About SIGE
The European Union Council Resolution on a renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning highlighted that
“much more remains to be done in relation to targeted learning for migrants”. The general objectives of SIGE is
to support the social inclusion of low skilled people with a migrant background or belonging to a minority by
contributing to the development and increase of a flexible blended gamified learning offer



In particular theobjectives of SIGE are:
- Research the needs of the low skilled people with a migrant background or belonging to a minority in relation with key competences and with how flexible, blended and gamified learning offer could deal with these needs.
- Explore the educational potential of Gamification and game-based learning as an innovative instrument for enhancing active participation, engagement and inclusion in education and in society
- Design an innovative modular blended upskilling learning course tailored for low skilled migrant or belonging to a minority that integrates game-based mechanics and game thinking to turn the learning process as a whole into a game as well as practical apps and tools to use games as part of the learning process and that allows for the recognition of prior knowledge
- Empower adult educators working with low skilled adult with a migrant background or belonging to a minority to use Gamification and game-based learning to deal with diversified groups and improve the quality of their teaching practice with an international scope.
STEP 01 - Adult education course
,,Upskill Trough Gamification"
- a blended course for people with migrant background or belonging to a minority aimed at upskilling and enhancing their key competences and foster their integration and inclusion into society and the labour market
STEP 02 -
SIGE handbook for adult educators
-a handbook that aims at supporting adult educational stuff working with low skills people with migrant background or belonging to a minority in using game-based elements and app in their teaching.
The following activities are foreseen to prepare, shape and guide the IOs development:
Desk and field research
Internal Training on E- learning
External training on E- learning and Gamification
Local blended education course