It was a long journey that brought us here.
A journey in which seven partners across Europe,
Erasmus Learning Academy (IT), Osnovna Skola Sveti Sava (RS), Obrtnicko Uciliste (HR), Asociatia Demetrius (RO), Comparative Research Network (DE), Cfie Miranda De Ebro (ES), Fundacja Mode (PL),

met in a Strategic Partnership, funded by Erasmus+ KA2 Projects, with the purpose of supporting the social inclusion of low skilled people by contributing to the development of a flexible blended gamified learning offer allowing them to develop the key competences.
Today we are happy to announce that the Intellectual Outputs of the project are finally ready to be downloaded and to become inspiration for Adult Educators from all over Europe.
What have we produced?
A Curriculum of the Adult Education Course “Upskill through gamification”, finalized to develop in the learners the key skills required from the social and work field.
A handbook for Adult Educators, in which the Educators are guided in the understanding of Gamification and Game-based learning applied in the educational context, especially with a low skilled target, and in the discovering and application of the over mentioned course.
On the 6th and 7th September it was held the Final TPM, which was hosted by FUNDACJA MODE in the wonderful Wroclaw. During the meeting we had the opportunity to meet all the partners for the last time in the project, and we had the chance to discuss the results and, most importantly, the project sustainability.

In September the Multiplier Events were organized in each of the partner countries. These events were thought as moments to present the developed outputs and illustrate the project achievements, to raise awareness on the benefits of gamification education with migrant learners and other disadvantaged groups, to widen the stakeholders aware of the outcomes reached informing on the possibility of adaptability of the project outcomes and to launch and promote the network for cross-sectorial cooperation at the EU level.
In fact, it has finally opened the Sige Network, a network for cross-sectoral cooperation serving the purpose of creating new gamification learning opportunities involving diverse stakeholders at the EU level. If you are interested in being part of this gamification world, you can join us by clicking this link.
In conclusion, it was a really good experience, in which all of us had the chance to discover the power of gamification, to contribute positively to the European educational field and, of course, to create rich and fruitful connections all over Europe.
We will carry forever in our hearts the memory of this beautiful experience, and we look forward to new cooperation opportunities! And you?
Find more about this project on and discover more about our Erasmus + projects following this link.