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OŠ ,,Sveti Sava" Požarevac did training with local partners on SIGE


In the begining of the february 2022. St Sava Elementary School held a training in its team with teachers working in adult education. On thah occasion, the largest number of teachers expressed their desire to participate in the testing.

On 22. of February the trainers from St Sava held a training in a great atmosphere at the Elementary School ,,Nebojša jerković" in Buđanovci, wich was attended by 20 teachers who work in adult education, and from whom he has exellent feedback regarding local testing.

The trainers from St Sava visited the Elementary School ,,Dositej Obradović" from Smederevo, where they held a training with teachers working in adult education. On that occasion, they were introduced to gamification in adult education and expressed readiness to participate in local testing.

St Sava has another training scheduled with local partners and will report shortly with impressions.


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- Project Code (2020-1-IT02-KA204-080078)

- Disclaimer: Erasmus Plus is financed by the European Union. The European Commission support to produce this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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