One of the most important steps of the project was the local training of trainers, which Craft Collegeorganised for its staff and experts from partner institutions working with migrants in October 2021.
These trainers will use the new developed curriculum with the 5 modules focusing on keycompetences, carefully selected from the SIGE curriculum, and test it on a sample of learners. Thecurriculum encompasses a set of game-based and gamification activities for each of the determinedlearning outcomes with detailed description and possibility of usage.
The main topics used were the definition of Gamification vs Game-Based Learning and thepresentation of curriculum and activities repository. Some of the games played were Lupus in Tabula,Is it gamification or GBL?, Types of gamers, Escape room and more.

Evaluation presented the trainers were very satisfied with the ToT, methodology and achievements.They stated the event exceeded their expectations, especially in a way how practicalis SIGEmethodology for integration of gamification elements in education of low skilled participants. Thetrainers also gave precious suggestions on improvement of SIGE repository and SIGE Handbookwhich were adapted instantly.
All the test results gained through Tot, with the activities, are included in the Handbook for adulteducators, developed in the second phase of the project.
